All images, texts and logo on this website are, legally and by nature, owned by Studio Robert C. Smit.

You are allowed by the studio to use the images and texts exposed on this website only and strictly for your personal, privat (home)use. Nobody is allowed to use it in any commercial or business way, without written permission of Robert C. Smit.

The whole of this website and all its content has been built with great care, concern and integrity by Robert himself, and with a lot of passion. Concerning type errors in texts and pricing, a reservation will be made.

Prices mentioned on the website are prices that are valid this very moment.

Pricing of canvases and cards can be changed without prior notice.

Your orders are billed at the price prevailing at the time of ordering.

Studio Robert C. Smit is not responsible for any damage or loss. Of course your orders will be sent as insured package.

Technical and physical quality of Canvases and Picture Cards is guaranteed by the manufacturer of the printer, canvas, paper and ink, up to 200 years longevity.

Working with his clients, (Studio) Robert C. Smit strives for perfection. He will do his best to deliver 100% satisfactory results. Your order will get highest attention.

If for any reason you are not satisfied, Robert will resolve your situation on an individual basis. Sometimes he will redo the work, while other times he will refund your payment in exchange for the unsatisfactory works.

Orders will be accepted after the payment has been done and in chronological order of registration.

disclaimer text


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